Friday, April 13, 2012

Where Do I Start?

Where do I begin? What do I want to say? Will people be interested enough to read it? . . . (sigh) . . . What's a retired analyst, wife of almost 40 years and mother of three grown children to do? Questions leading to more questions have been running through my head for days. I'm learning that this is turning out to be a daunting task for me but I'm steadfast in my resolve to do it. I'm joining the "Blog-o-Sphere." 
 I won't waste your time with my rambling thoughts so I'll try to initiate my blog with what I hope is going to be a stabilizing force in my life's journey. A creative outlet to share my thoughts and efforts in one place would be a great source of comfort when life gets chaotic. It also has the potential of connecting me with people of similar experiences while providing me a "stage" or "exhibit hall" to share what I do to creatively cope with life's challenges. I'll be posting my work, sharing what I've learned and hopefully be providing a little entertainment along the way. Here goes nothing! Please join me and feel free to share my blog with others. May we all enjoy the ride together!