Saturday, April 14, 2012

Show and Tell April 2012

Now that I am getting the hang of blogging, I am beginning to enjoy it! I promised to share some of my newer non-paper oriented projects I have done so here goes:

I took up May Arts' Candy Colored Craft Challenge and have submitted the following items. I sure hope they are liked! 

As part of the challenge, I received 3 yards of each color ribbon - hot pink, orange, yellow and aqua. Then I took my trusty denim apron with scrapbooking patches and decided to give it a face-lift. It sure needed some color!

 Being a certifiable Xyron adhesive junky, I took out my favorite new tool - their Creatopia and replaced the permanent adhesive cartridge with the Fabric Adhesive  cartridge. Using this adhesive will allow me to add the colorful ribbons to my dull and drab apron. Since I'm not big on sewing, this worked amazingly well! It did however,  require a little patience. I took my time setting up the ribbons so that they wouldn't overlap. It was only a slight challenge so I successfully accomplished the task: 

Once the ribbons had the necessary adhesive, I placed them on the apron with small bows to add a bit of charm. Here's the finished product! Now I'm more colorful (or at least my apron is . . .)

 Next I wanted to use up the remaining ribbon so I decided to alter a clipboard. I used Little Yellow Bicycle's  Blue Reverie and Denim Days for the front and Saturday Collage for the back after running them through Xyron's 900 Creative Station. For this project, I used the laminate/permanent adhesive cartridge. I traced the clipboard to the "wrong" side of the papers and cut them using my trimmer and corner rounder. Here's what it looked like going through the Creative Station - simple enough!

I LOVE LYB's Saturdays collection! It's so versatile and chic! I feel so "put together" now. What a great feeling!!!
  Final product!

I am really excited to be using these candy colored beribboned accessories here in Southington, CT at the Scrapbooking Memories Spring Crop! What perfect timing!

 Thank you, thank you, thank you for taking the time to look over this blog entry! I'm not sure that it will be a daily thing for me but, who knows? Tomorrow is another day and will have its own gift to share!

Please feel free to comment - I'd love hearing from you!!!
Have a sparkling day!